Is There A Wiki For Lilys Garden Game
Lily's Garden is a mobile game by Tactile Games. It is essentially a Match-Three Game with overarching story elements.
Following a string of bad luck (including losing her job and finding out that her rich boyfriend was cheating on her), Lily finds out that her great-aunt Mary LaRosa has died and left her a large estate in the country. There's just one catch; the property turns out to be in bad shape, and the will stipulates that Lily must restore the entire estate to its "former glory" (to be determined by Mary's lawyer) within thirty days, or else Lily must forfeit the property.
This game contains examples of:
- Affably Evil: Leonard may be out to buy Marie's estate and reduce it to a golf course, but he also comes to form a genuine friendship with Lily, between going down memory lane and watching her plant flowers around the place.
- The Alcoholic: Cousin Larry is a lush, much to Lily's disgust. A lot of his plans for Mary's house involve stuffing it with wet bars.
- Amicable Exes: Beautifully done. Rachel is a variation where she subverts the idea that the ex-spouse has to be the bad guy. Not only gets along with Lucas (eventually), but she even becomes friends with Lily.
- Awful Wedded Life: Regina is actually suffering from this. On the surface, she casually says everything is peachy between her and her hubby. But after the couple take a vacation, Regina soberly admits to Lily that there is in fact trouble in paradise. Her husband has wanted a baby, despite Regina not wanting to get pregnant, and it's been the crux of their argument for years. She even tiredly mentions that their fights have gotten so bad, it's past the point of shouting matches by now.
- Mr. Rich has also had his fair share of this. He's been divorced three times over during his lifetime. He's convinced that as opposed to his past failed marriages, he might've been happier if only Mary had married him.
- Sophia shares her father's luck with marriage, having gone through three ex-husbands. Her first marriage didn't last, and the only good thing that came out of it was her son. Her second husband was decent, but they were too different to make it work. And her final husband owned a Tv network and practically televised their own wedding. Two years later, he promptly replaced Sophia with a younger model.
- Bad Influencer: Lily's college roommate Tina has gone on to become a social media influencer. The "Under the Influence" event sees her enlisting Lily and her friends to help fix up her old cabin, with the promise of making them social media personalities. In reality, she just wants the free labor, and is secretly ridiculing them all on social media.
- Blatant Lies: Cousin Larry claims that his father (Lily's Uncle Arthur) would've wanted the first floor of the house renovated with lots of wet bars. Lily is skeptical. And it doesn't help that Aunt Marie's drawing of the house simply being built with a balcony disproves Larry's notion of what his father would've "wanted". It goes Up to Eleven when it's revealed Larry's been lying through his teeth about being related to Uncle Arthur at all.
- Bookends: The "Mr. Rich Arc" begins with Mr. Lawrence doing something (planting a spy camera) and Mr. Rich being accused of it. In the ending, Mr. Lawrence helps gets the charges against Marie dropped. Again, Lily assumes this was Mr. Rich's work.
- Both Sides Have a Point: In Isla Bonita, while Lily is genuinely satisfied Mr. Rich was defeated by Alma, she also feels bad knowing the island was a symbol of his love for a woman. Regina, on the other hand, also has a point when she says she has no sympathy for the man, as his machinations essentially swindled Alma's grandparents out of their rightful home.
- Call-Back: When Lily suggests to her friends they let her try to talk Evilyn down from failing the Visitor Center, her friends remind her that she tried the same thing (and failed) with Mr. Rich, not one month ago.
- A Day in the Limelight: Day 111 to Day 120 is about solely about Karen, and her adventures trying to help Giovanni restore his vineyard.
- Does Not Like Men: Regina is not fond of men, although she is initially married to one. At best, it took a little coaxing from Lily just to help her warm up to Lucas when she first met him. At worst, Regina is livid when she assumes Lily got back together with her cheating ex-boyfriend Blaine again.
- A Dog Named "Dog": Lucas's dog was initially a case of this. It's not until later (and after he learns the dog's a girl) that he and Lily give her a proper name: "Roxy".
- Dream Sequence: Lily often has these in the middle of the night, and they normally reflect either her latest worries or hopes.
- Eccentric Mentor: Phillip has shades of this. Though he's prone to being vague and cryptic at times, he guides Lily to keep renovating the LaRosa estate. In fact, the fake stipulation in the will that she must restore its former glory was meant to help test Lily's dedication to the estate.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: In Isla Bonita, Sophia and Bridgette are revealed to be Leonard Ricci's daughters. In the least, Mr. Ricci loves Sophia, and respects her even more-so when he learns she worked hard to restore a boat with her own two hands.
- Even Evil Has Standards: In Isla Bonita, Brigette tries to convince her father not to cut her from his will by promising to build a casino elsewhere. Mr. Ricci may be a lot of things, but building a casino wasn't his intention. Rather, he wanted his daughters to be self-sufficient. In the least, he admits it falls at his feet that Brigette is still as spoiled as ever.
- Evil Is Petty: In Isla Bonita, Brigette Ricci goes through the trouble of retaliating Lily for ruining her life by abducting Lucas. She didn't even steal him because she wanted him. She just kidnapped him for the sole purpose of taking something Lily holds dear.
- Evil Parents Want Good Kids: Leonard Ricci may be the furthest thing from a good person, but he genuinely wants his children to be self-made people who can rely on something other than money to get buy. The entirety of Isla Bonita is about Mr. Ricci trying to get his daughters Sophia and Brigette to build a casino by themselves. By the end, he's happy that at least Sophia restored a boat house all by herself.
- Fairytale Motifs: According to Phillip, Frank and Anita LaRosa's love life was something like "The Little Mermaid". Anita (the mermaid) grew up beside the ocean and loved the sea, while her future husband Frank (the land-locked prince) lived in the mountains. Their love was threatened by the conundrum that Anita missed the ocean very much. Their fairy tale ended with the twist that Frank let Anita go...Only for Anita to return.
- False Friend: In the "Under the Influence" event, Lily is enlisted by her college roommate Tina to help fix up her winter cabin. It soon becomes clear that Tina is just exploiting Lily and Lucas in order to get free labor and decoration. For added falsity, Tina convinces Holly that she can turn her into a social-media star, but Lily finds out that Tina is actually turning Holly into a laughingstock online.
- Fire-Forged Friendship: Regina and Whitney truly begin to bond as friends when they're both trapped in the secret entrance to the Ascending Eye's hideout.
- In the case of Tina, her friendship with Lily is re-forged after the shed she is in is snowed in. Lily, Lucas and Holly rescue her, earning her respect.
- Floral Theme Naming: It's a game about a garden estate owned by the LaRosa family, where the inheritor is a woman named Lily. And her mother's name is Holly.
- Foil: Between Sophia and Bridgette Ricci. While both were trying to build a casino on an island (which their father illegally swindled) in order to prove their worth to him, how they go about it is where the two sisters diverge. Sophia grew out of her wish to please her father when she fell in love with Ernesto. Along the way, she realized she was hurting Ernesto and chose to restore a boat herself in order to earn his trust again. Despite Mr. Rich's claims he was disappointed Sophia couldn't complete the casino, it no longer mattered to her. Compared to her sister, Bridgette remained as cruel and as hung up on pleasing her daddy as she ever was. And despite her best efforts to negotiate a casino in a different spot, she only ends up practically disowned by her father.
- Freudian Excuse: Holly's actions are often driven by her past, especially when those actions are questionable. For instance, the reason she threw herself into husband hunting was because of a bad experience where her legal husband dumped her Aunt Marie's house when she was nearly due with Lily. From that day forward, she went through husband after husband in hopes of giving Lily someone better than her birth father. And on "Isla Bonita", when Lily confronts her mom's insistence on making Alma and Santiago's wedding as ostentatious and grandiose as possible, Holly admits it was because she never had the wedding of her dreams and wants to give them a good wedding.
- "Friends" Rent Control:
- While the game lampshades how Lily is able to afford her estate (it's all inherited), it doesn't really explain how she's able to afford the repairs. Even with Regina and Luke agreeing to work for free, there would still be a lot of expenses that Lily would have to pay for, and she is supposedly between jobs, to say nothing of the expenses involved in moving her stuff across the country.
- Gleefully exploited in the "Under the Influence" event, where Lily is enlisted by her college roommate Tina to help fix up her vacation home. Ostensibly, Tina is consulting her because of her expertise, but in reality, Tina figures that she can sucker Lily and Lucas into doing the work for free.
- Graceful Loser: Leonard takes it surprisingly well when the case against Mary LaRosa is dropped in the third and final trial. He even agrees that he and Lily will never bother each other again, knowing full well they may never quite go back to being friends.
- Heel–Face Turn: In the "Visitor Center" Arc, Evelyn Winters becomes a sunnier person once she listens to Lily and ceases her plans to fail the Visitor Center.
- Tina also goes from being a False Friend to being a true friend after Lily, Lucas and Holly save her life. Before, she was willing to mooch off Lily's hospitality and humiliate Holly behind her back. But cut off her from 'Influencer career', she not only shows gratitude towards Lily for saving her, she realizes she needs to be her own person without an audience and take better care of herself.
- Heel Realization: In the "Visitor Center arc", Lily learns Evilyn plans to run the Visitor Center into the ground and let it fall into the hands of Chemix so she can frame the governor for corruption, and rise to power. Lily's the first to make Evilyn realize that by going through with this convoluted plan, she's no different from the corrupt politicians she claims destroyed her home.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: After the first trial, poor Lily is worried that the tax evasion charges will not only lose the estate, but also put Marie's name through the mud. Although Marie allegedly did some less honorable things in her past, Lily knows she was a generally good person who cared about her friends and family.
- Hidden Depths: Outside his occupation in business, Blaine tries his hand at painting a picture and begins feeling actual emotions.
- Innocently Insensitive: Lucas meant well when he brought Will Donald to what was essentially his and Lily's first date together, thinking it would be cool to introduce a celebrity friend to his girlfriend. Regardless, Lily is incensed that her boyfriend would bring a third wheel into what was supposed to be a romantic dinner for two.
- Intergenerational Friendship: While setting up for the party to celebrate Lily winning the case, Karen and Holly become tight friends when they bond over their child-like behavior.
- Irony: Mr. Lawrence only came along with the hidden agenda of exposing the late Marie Barnes as a "foreign spy", despite claims he was there to help Lily save her estate from Mr. Rich. After he gets the microfilm, not only does he use it to prove Marie protected government secrets as a hero, but he convinces higher ups to help get her tax evasion charges dropped.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Holly can be obnoxious but she actually gives Regina solid advice that she needs to end her marriage.
- Earlier, when learning that Blaine had returned and Lily allowed him to stay at her home, Regina yells at her without letting her tell her side of the story. While it was harsh of her to jump at Lily's throat like that, she's not wrong: she shouldn't have welcomed Blaine back into her life, especially when he's guilty of something as serious as cheating.
- Kick the Dog: According to Phillip, Mr. Rich is the master of this trope. His motivation is a prime example of this. In retaliation for never going out with him, Leonard Ricci plans to buy off Mary's estate and plow it down as a golf course. The kick is, her husband Arthur began experiencing Alzheimer's after Leonard "accidentally" hit him in the head with a golf ball.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Dirk Sides, who has spent all of the "Visitor Center arc" putting a scandal over Lily's head, gets his when Whitney blackmails him for setting the Visitor Center on fire and convinces him to cancel out the scandal with a bigger scandal (that he was in love with Lily).
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: While working on the cactus garden, Lily and Lucas discover a bunker that can only be opened by a code. They remark on how normally a code would show itself in a video game scenario. Lucas wonders if they're in a video game... Before Lily goes "nah!"
- Like Father, Like Son: Brigette Ricci always makes it her business to get revenge (petty or otherwise) on other people she feels wronged her. Looking at her father Leonard, it's little wonder the apple didn't fall far from the tree. In the least, Leonard at least took his defeat with dignity and learned his lesson.
- Match-Three Game: In order to gain the points necessary to complete actions, you must play through a succession of levels. Each level has different goals, but the basic gameplay involves matching two or more tiles to clear them.
- Maybe Ever After: In "Isla Bonita", it's implied that Ernesto was not only moved by Sophia making a house boat for him, but also accepted the idea of marrying her and seeing the world with her.
- Meaningful Echo: While telling Lily how she and Lucas got together, Rachel shares a piece of wisdom about how one doesn't need a "counterbalance" to be whole, but rather it falls to one to complete themselves. Later, when he's ousted for being in cahoots with Larry, Blaine tries to reason with Lily that he should remain with her because she "completes" him. Lily uses Rachel's earlier words as a counterargument so he leaves for good.
- New-Age Retro Hippie: In the "Mother's Retreat" event, Lily and Lucas go off to a couple's retreat run by Karl Mar Mother, an old hippie for whom the free-love era never apparently ended.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: While "villian" is a stretch, Lily would've fallen for Blaine's lies about turning over a new leaf had she not overhead Larry get drunk and discuss their plans.
- Not Actually His Child: This comes into play when Larry tries to pull a Loophole Abuse claiming he gets the house for being Arthur's son. After Lily and Regina do a paternity test on him, they discover Larry isn't related to either Arthur nor Lily, making him anything but an heir to the LaRosa estate.
- Opposites Attract: This was why Rachel and Lucas first got together when they were young, thinking his personality would "counterbalance" hers. Deconstructed, as their incompatibility was one of the factors of their divorce.
- Parents as People:
- Holly isn't the most ideal of mothers, Lily can tell you that. She's been estranged from Lily for quite a while, tries to convince her to sell the estate on Mr. Rich's behalf, and often criticizes Lily's taste in men as "losers". However, she does have her daughter's best interest at times, even if she has a funny way of showing it.
- Marie and Arthur actually avert this, much to Holly's confusion. It often frustrated her that they loved her unconditionally, even when she didn't deserve it. It was her wish that they were do something flawed for once so she could relate to them.
- Lucas is a less malicious example. He really does love Karen with all his heart and wants to be the best dad he can be. But he's so out of touch with her that he neglects to realize she's a 9 year old. Core examples of this are how he gifts her with a play fort and a girly bicycle with training wheels for her birthday.
- Poor Communication Kills: In light of Mr. Rich, Lily hasn't told Lucas about how Leonard is going to take her to court in order to get the estate. So when she runs herself ragged over the stress and insists he go to Will Donald's party instead of being with her, she does so expecting him to stay by her side over something she hasn't even told him. This leads to Lily believing Lucas is insensitive and couldn't care less about her problems, causing her to hold a grudge against him. It's only later when Regina asks Lily if she bothered to tell Lucas about any of her issues that she realizes she's been keeping him in the dark and getting angry at him for not reading her mind.
- Queer Flowers: Regina and Lily strike up a close friendship very quickly. By the end of the first month, Regina is contemplating leaving her husband, telling Lily she loves her "jokingly," and she asks Lily to say the same back. They also dance together.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: In Isla Bonita, Lily gives one to Brigette after the latter blames the former for taking away her wealth and father's respect.
- Rebuilt Pedestal: Regina and Lily mistakenly believe that Mary and Phillip were having an affair behind their spouses' backs. Lily, whose ex-boyfriend cheated on her, finds this unsavory. And Regina doesn't take it any better. When they confront Phillip with the truth, he admits that he and Mary were a couple. However, they only started going out when each of their spouses were dead (essentially in Arthur's case). The only reason they didn't make it official was because they didn't want to make it an unnecessary fanfare. Needless to say, both Lily and Regina apologize for the misunderstanding.
- Redemption Rejection: Lily tries to help sweet talk and bond with Leonard in order to change his mind about suing her and taking the estate. It seems to work at first, and Leonard almost considers letting go of his grudge to be part of Lily's family. Instead, he refuses to take the high road and sticks with his plan to take the matter to court like he intended.
- Samus Is a Girl: Lucas initially addresses his dog as a "he". But it takes Lily to realize "he" is actually a "she".
- Scary Stinging Swarm: When Larry is ousted as not being Arthur's son, he tries to lock himself inside the house so he won't have to leave. Thankfully, Lily uses this trope to her advantage by smoking the inside of the house with lavender. Not minutes later, Larry is chased out and stung by the bees.
- Second Love: Mary and Phillip were each other's second loves after their spouses died.
- Secret Test of Character: The reason Phillip had Lily fix up everything except the LaRosa estate for the past 30 days was because he wanted Lily to know her family history first before she could own it. He wanted to test her loyalty to her family's estate, in the event that Mr. Rich tried to buy it from her.
- Shadow Archetype: Both Leonard and Brigette tried to get revenge on Lily in order to make up for their lack of happiness. But Brigette is everything Leonard would've been if he wasn't nearly as half-way decent. When all is said and done, she doesn't own up to her actions and instead further blames Lily for the loss of her wealth and her father's respect.
- Shout-Out: Karen at one point mentions that her dad is still stumped by
That One Level in Battletoads.
- Shut Up, Hannibal!: In the climax of "Isla Bonita", Brigette tries to justify that the reason she stole Lucas was to get back at Lily by taking what she held dear. Regina rightly shoots down her excuse by snarking "Poor little rich girl. Doesn't get her way and everybody has to suffer? I don't think so!"
- A Side Order of Romance: Phillip Jones met his late wife while she was working in a restaurant in New Orleans. He happened to be visiting the city for work and ended up staying a week in order to keep seeing her.
- Silly Will: Mary's will leaves Lily her entire estate, but stipulates that she must restore it to its former glory within thirty days or forfeit the property.
- Spoiled Sweet: Sophia Ricci. She may start out a bit pampered and sheltered. But after she meets Ernesto, she's set on being a better, self-made person, to the point that she renovates a boat house for him.
- That Man Is Dead: In the "Visitor Center arc", on Day 90, this is Evilyn Frost's response when Lily asks what Evilyn Summers would say if she could see her future self now. Evilyn says that her former self would be too naïve to understand her motives. It doesn't stick.
- Turn Out Like His Father: Despite being raised by his kindly father figure Frank LaRosa, Leonard is bitter about how he ended up becoming more like his biological father. It becomes harsher when it's revealed Leonard's father was not only a mafia boss, but also shot Giovanni LaRosa in cold blood, a sobering testament that Leonard couldn't overcome the Ricci's tendency to cause suffering to the LaRosas.
- The Unapologetic: When Lily learns Blaine only came back so he could convince her to sell the estate to Mr. Rich, she soon confronts him on his deception. She then tells him the one reason she hasn't entirely trusted him: because he never said he was sorry for cheating on her. She sums up that he's only "sorry" that the affair costed him his relationship with Lily.
- Villainous Breakdown: Played with in "Under the Influence". Tina's not an outright villain so much as she is a False Friend who made a laughing stock out of Holly. But when she's snowed inside a shed and fearing for her life, she frantically loses her cool and starts ranting at her fans for being unhelpful to rescue her. She even spills the beans about how her husband is divorcing her, and how stressed she is that his virtual "empire" is "eclipsing" her own. The aftermath allows her to realize she's been neglecting herself as a person.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Regina does not take it well when she learns that Lily has been letting Blaine stay on her property behind Regina's back. If anything, it certainly rubs Regina the wrong way that her best friend would allegedly welcome her cheating ex-boyfriend back into her life.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: Barely two days before the 30 day deadline, Lily learns the entire west part of the property isn't the LaRosa Estate like Phillip lead her to believe: it's the untouched east part of the property. This is reconstructed when not only does Lily get to keep the estate, but it opens a whole new chapter where Lily has to restore the other half to its former glory.
Is There A Wiki For Lilys Garden Game
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