
Diy Room Horse Decorating Ideas For Teenagers

horse inspired girl room with a rainbow mural. Ideas and decor that kids will love. Plus an easy diy for painting a striped and colorful pastel featured wall to get a bedroom to match your aesthetic. A few weeks ago, Builds by Kristen invited me to help her makeover a room for a little girl, Nora. She is 5 and recently had open heart surgery. The idea is that by redoing her room, she can have a beautiful place to heal and have some hope for the future! She loves pink and horses and so I was so excited to help design her horse inspired girl room!

I quickly said yes- a chance to design a room for a special little girl? Definitely! I'm going to show you the before photos, the inspiration, and how we got to the final space.

horse inspired girl room


Here's how Nora's room looked when we first started on the space. It's adorable. Her mom, Kaitlyn has amazing style and loves vintage. We wanted to make the room a little more exciting, but it was already a really special space!

There were already gorgeous wood floors, new shutters on the windows, cute vintage dresser and nightstand, and the bed was hand built for Nora.


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Since Nora loves horses, all this inspiration is dedicated to that. I love a good theme so I spent a few weeks vintage shopping looking for items that would work in a kids room and reflect what Nora likes.

This image has horse toys, horse ribbons, and vintage horse tags. I searched for all of those while shopping and found a few horses! Also can you get over the custom horseshoe bookcase?! It's so cute!!!

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I love how in this image, the horse ribbons are framed. That'd be a super simple DIY. Another fun idea is to look for trophies or lamps with a trophy shape to add to the equestrian theme. I couldn't find anything like these, but I wanted to share what I was looking for in case anyone else is doing a horse inspired girl room!

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This image is probably my favorite of all time! That wallpaper (which I found a link to) is SO special! And I love the little shelf with horses on it. And the horse pillow. It's all perfect!

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And for my last inspiration image, I love this collection of horse ribbons where a headboard would normally be! I ended up finding my horse ribbons at an antique shop, but I also got a few on Etsy (just search vintage horse ribbon). Side story, I ordered three and the shop was out of stock on one color. So they sent the other two for free!

Nora's room progress

I headed to Nora's room on Thursday. Kristin was already there and had put up a board and batten wall and emptied the room. She painted the wall while I painted the bed. At that point, we decided to change the layout to center the bed under the window.

We had wallpaper for above the board and batten, but there was a printing mistake and it was printed at the wrong scale so we couldn't match up the seams. That was going to be our big statement for the room! It was a bummer.

putting the room together

Kristin and I spent Friday putting the room together. We shopped for more art since we didn't have the wallpaper moment. We were happy with how it came together, but it felt like it was missing something.

Rainbow Wall

The next morning, I really wanted to add a statement wall behind the bed. By changing the layout, the bed wall just felt blank and sad. I suggested doing scallops or a rainbow wall. Kristin was fine with a rainbow wall, so I brought my paint over and we started painting! The whole wall took probably 4 hours to paint and then we reassembled the room.

I started by measuring the wall- it was 90″ from the ceiling to the top of the baseboard. Then, since I was using 15 colors, I divided 90 by 15 which meant that each stripe was 6″. I used a level to draw lines with pencil down the wall. They're hard to see in this image.

Then I pulled out my painter's tape and taped on the bottom of the pencil line. If you're doing this project, MAKE SURE that you put the tape in the correct spot, so the top row has tape below the pencil row and then the second row has tape above the pencil row. Continue this pattern all the way down.

You'll want every other row to be the whole 6″ tall. For instance, the top stripe is ready to paint, but the next stripe has tape on the top and bottom of it. If I painted inside of that, it'd be the wrong height.

For this wall, I used the same paint colors I used on the rainbow tub.

Paint-1. Ultra Pure White 2. Beloved Pink, 3. Shy Smile, 4. Ballet Rose, 5. Custom Color (I'll show a picture of the can below) 6. Coral Fountain, 7. Lamplit, 8. Corn Stalk, 9. Frittata, 10. Sparkling Brook, 11. Green Aqua, 12. Mirador, 13. Tinted Ice, 14. Early September, 15. Blue Chalk. I buy the sample jars in the Marquee line (highest quality) in an eggshell finish.

This is the color that is on the bed. We also added a stripe of it to the rainbow wall to pull the colors together.

mural painting time

Once the stripes are taped, it's really fast to paint inside the taped areas. After two coats of paint (if needed, a few were perfect with one), I used a paint brush to cut in the lines. If you let the stripes dry overnight, you could tape them again, but I like to paint them in even though it's a slow process to carefully paint int he lines.

Kristin and I were working as fast as we could to finish this wall up and like I said, it took about 4 hours with us both painting.

We finished around 7pm and then put everything back in the room. But not before appreciating this pretty wall!!!

Aren't those rainbow stripes so pretty?! I think they're perfect for a little girls room. I know I would have LOVED this when I was 5!


Here is the finished room! Yay! It feels special and pulled together and I sure hope Nora and her sweet family love it! They'll see the room today and I'll make sure to have the reveal on my Instagram if you want to check that out.

The bed and nightstand got painted. It was fun to use the furniture they already had because it already was perfect for in here! Kristen ordered this cute yellow rug for in here and I love how it pulled together all the yellow accents!

You can see a few of the horse accents with the horse stuffed animal, vintage horse barn, and horse ribbons. A rainbow horse room?! Yes please!

After- board and batten

I wanted to show how the rainbow wall looks with the board and batten. I think it flows nicely. That wall cost $50 in supplies- it's such a beautiful and affordable way to add character! And you can see the cute metal flowers we found at a local store and the horse hooks on the wall that Kristin painted gold.

after- dresser

The dresser went back onto the back wall next to the dresser. That's where we put the vintage horse toys and hung a little gallery wall with the cutest horse art! In a kids room, I think toys and books are the perfect decor items!


This was such a fun project to be involved with! I love decorating kids room- it's a great excuse to really have fun and add all the whimsy. This room was extra special to work on and I sure hope Nora loves it! I haven't met her yet, but I can only imagine how difficult the past few months have been for her and her family.

I hope this room lifts them up, even just a little.

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horse inspired girl room with a rainbow mural. Ideas and decor that kids will love. Plus an easy diy for painting a striped and colorful pastel featured wall to get a bedroom to match your aesthetic.

Diy Room Horse Decorating Ideas For Teenagers


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